Fixed Wheel Brewery

Find our beer on EeBria Trade

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Find our beer on EeBria Trade

Fixed Wheel beers are up on EeBria Trade! (And to be honest if you didn’t know that… where have you been? We’ve been on there for a while now!)

If it’s your first time hearing about EeBria, it’s an easy to use website for beer buyers, where you can find some of the best British Beers. Plus EeBria Trade deals with the hassle free process of supplying pubs, shops, bars and restaurants nationwide with quality craft beer. Plus if you’re not based locally and find it difficult to order and pick up your deliveries directly from the brewery, this little website could be a life saver!

With a selection of our KeyKegs now being sold through EeBria Trade you can now place your order from the comfort of your home and then sit back and relax and your delivery will be with you in just a few days. How simple is that!

We have some of our favourites on there at the moment, but very soon we will be introducing a selection of cans, so keep your eyes open for our new release.

So what are you waiting for? Go and have a look at what we’ve got currently available and see what takes your fancy.

Fixed Wheel EeBria Trade Official Page

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